Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet Rewards -- carrots and radishes

I love the sun up so early.  I was out by 7am and harvested the first of the carrots planted this spring.  They are so sweet!!  Not long, about 5 inches, but tender and sweet.  I think a carrot salad is in the making for dinner with a grilled steak!!!  So glad summer is here. 

I also harvested the last of the green onions from the winter garden.  Planted more radishes in that space since I've discovered I really like them!  I wasn't fond of the radishes we grew as a kid, but I've found a variety that is crisp and delicate.  I like to slice them thin and put on a slice of freshly baked bread with good European butter.  A sprinkling of sea salt and it's...  YUMM.