Here we are on July 21 and I still don't have a single red tomato. I am 6 weeks behind the first ripe tomatoes in 2010. Lot's of beautiful little yellow blossoms, some forming tomatoes, but nothing red, except the pots some are planted in. I have great envy when talking to my mom (in Central California) and she is harvesting 5 - 7 each day off her two 'Home Depot' plants while I have nothing to show (yet) for all my hours of tending over seeds, seedlings, transplanting and bi weekly fertilization.
With nice warm weather here again this week, I hope to see something turn red! Cucumbers are going great and I harvest 2 - 3 each day. Just one little eggplant starting to grow... and that's on a total of 3 plants.
And so, I've finished with my complaining about the results of the cool weather.... and the good news is that our electric bill is the lowest it's ever been!!!
So... off to the dirt.