Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finally... eating tomatoes

Yes, we finally have tomatoes to eat.  Well, I use that phrasing a little loosely.  I picked 5 beautifully red little globes of the Cherry Buzz Tomatoes. Mr. B and I each had 5 halves, slightly salted.  They were nice, but to be truthful, I was disappointed.  I'm not sure if it is the slow start with the unusually cool summer , but these were not delightfully sweet.  Last year I planted Sweet 100's and they were little bursts of sugar with each bite.  These were ...... just ok. 

Oh well, more are turning pink so I hope to have better reports.  The heirlooms and slicers are setting on, but nothing red to eat yet.

However, cucumbers are more than plentifull.  I"m taking several to neighbors most mornings as there are just too many to eat at 2 meals a day.  iI may try to use my mother's Bread and Butter Pickles recipe this weekend.

So, off to the dirt!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

When There is Nothing To Harvest

Since I really do like playing in the dirt, what does one doe when there is nothing to do????  Re-finish the teak furniture!!  It wasn't really all that difficult.  Just start very, very early in the morning while it's still cool outside, under 95 degrees......

12 chairs, 2 tables and 2 deck chairs later, I'm done and boy was it worth it!!
Used Watco Teak Oil from Home Depot.  Just brush it on, set for 30 min then wipe off.  Doing the second coat means I may not have to do it again for 2 years!!!

Well, off to look at the dirt!

57 Tomatoes (Plants, that is)

Dearest husband asked me how many tomato plants I actually have in the ground...... I asked if those in pots count and we agreed that they do.  Well, I officially have 57 tomato plants planted!  Yes, that is  a rather large number for a home garden!  However, with this cool start to the summer I may not get that swamped with those luscious red orbs.... yet one can only wish to have such a problem!

This afternoon I'll give them another dose of bone meal.  Make sure to water the soil first then two tablespoons at each plant  (114 tablespoons???  I'd better check how much I have).  The bone meal will give them a boost to blossom and set fruit.  Make sure to fertilize every week now going into the heavy production time of year.

I have lots of kale to harvest for salads.  Yummmm